Monday, September 3, 2012

Hronk! Hronk! We're here!

I had no intention of feeding them, the domestic and wild geese that come up to the deck, hronking like crazy. I have been feeding sunflower seed to birds for decades, and feeding hummingbirds -- but geese? Isn't that a no-no? Besides, I knew at least two other neighbors were feeding them so I knew they weren't going hungry.

But when spring and summer came and I spent more time out on the deck -- oh, and then they came by with their adorable chicks -- well, I couldn't resist. Anyway, how was that different from feeding the other birds, when it gets right down to it.

So, I've been feeding them, and all my visitors have succumbed as well.

Sometimes they get quite vicious -- pecking and hissing at each other -- which causes me to just give up and go inside. Sometime they hiss at me, too. I often sit on the deck with my legs dangling above the water and the geese have come and nudged my feet.

I have been feeding them whole wheat bread, corn chips, and other bird seed. It occurred to me that I should look up what I actually ought to be feeding them. I learned that white bread is bad, because there's little nutrition, and bread in general is bad because it fills up their stomachs quickly and gives them the false impression of being full. What you're supposed to feed them is cracked corn or goose feed. Tomorrow I plan to stop at Linnton Feed and Seed and get them the right stuff.

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