Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Great Bubble Wrap (potential) Geese Deterrent

My neighbor Mary was out in the water, but what the heck was she doing? She was wrapping in bubble wrap a log jutting out next to her houseboat. Our resident white geese pair was arriving in the wee hours of the morning, landing on the log and honking up a storm. She was hoping this would deter them.

Here is her description of the result, dated September 15:

"Well, they showed up and HONKED VERY LOUDLY at 4:45 am - it was still very dark out. I looked out and they were perched on the log, so I felt disappointed and closed all my windows. Couldstill hear them. But then, it stayed silent! So maybe they were screeching about What is this shit under our feet? and after awhile got uncomfortable and left. I wonder if the bubbles were popping?! So maybe this will work.I might go out and put a few  more tacks in and a little more bubbles on top of what’s there . . . "

... followed by this on September 24:

"They are still roosting here and screeching--but I think less often."


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