Saturday, April 6, 2013

Queen of Sheba Reading Throne

Last summer I hardly spent any time sitting out on the deck reading. This year I was determined to change that. I had some money unexpectedly refunded to me from my mortgage escrow account and such things I always consider "found money" and not to be spent on ordinary expenses.

I decided I would allot the money for a decadent lounge chair with a fat pad (and later, water toys). As deck and lawn furniture began to appear in stores I kept my eye out for what I was looking for but wasn't seeing it, so I tried online and found the perfect lounge. But the cushions I saw there were only 3-1/2 inches and I wanted something thicker.

It seems that all the lounge pads are thinner than chair pads, so I opted for one 5-inch thick chair pad and a second one almost as thick that can be doubled over as a foot rest. The combo doesn't fit quite right but it is plenty comfy. It even has a slide-out panel to put drinks and snacks. Now I go out when there is sunset light and sit and read for a bit, even if I have to wear a sweater. I am imagining long lollygagging reading binges during the summer when it's warm and beautiful out.

To complete the vision, a few weeks ago I went to the Skyline Grange annual garage sale, where I bought 18 books at 50 cents each. Summer reading, I'm ready ...

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